Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Do You Need A Dog Care And Training Guide For Your Pet?

If you love your pet there is a possibility that you would need a dog care and training guide for you pet. This is because you will definitely want to know how to take care of the animal the way it is meant to be taken care of. This is also because it would take deep affection from a pet owner to take time out of their day to read a manual just to make sure that your pet is taken care of. Most dog owners just give their pets what they think is right and don’t really pay attention to all the caring needs they may have.

One would also need a dog care and training guide if they have purchased a new pet and they have no idea what on earth to do or where to start. For instance spiders and some reptiles are very different and they all need a specific routine that allows you to take care of them. These kinds of things you will find in a dog care and training guide it is also vital to keep your pet alive. It can also be a possibility that you have no idea of how to take care of any animal in this case learning through a guide will be a good option. Also if you are a pet owner you will need to know the signs that your pet will give you if it needs medical attention or how to react if you’re pet’s health is endangered.

If your have a pet that you would like to train in any specific way a dog care and training guide will prove to be very useful. This can be an alternative to getting a trainer for your pet which can prove to be a bit of a problem for your pocket. Using the dog care and training guide to train your pet will give your pet a lot of time to get used to you and there will be an even grater bond between the two of you.

A dog care and training guide is a step to being a responsible pet owner because it will teach you to give your pet the best care ever. It will give you pointers and tips that may give you a happier pet. Once animals are given the care they need they are at ease then there are very little problems you can encounter. The guide doesn’t need to be a long boring step by step book guide you can look for other options like a dog care online training guide.

The bottom line is care and the point is to care about the animal involved. A manual on how to train a pet will make sure that you do it the correct way without any animal cruelty.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Dog Training System Helps Bring Out the Best In Your Dog

Dogs are known to possess many different abilities that you as a dog owner must develop and bring to the fore. The right dog training system will help bring the best out of the dog and in the process help to increase your control over your pet. There are various stages of a dog training system that you have to put your dog through and as they gain some experience at each level you can start them off at the next level till they are well and properly trained.

The PetSafe Bark Control Collar Dog training system PBC302 is one option that you should consider. It is also a dog training system that is very simple to use and it involves making your dog wear very small sized dog training collars. Each time your dog barks the anti-bark control collar will give him a mild corrective warning and in case your dog continues barking the warning tone becomes stronger. There are six different levels of warning control that should help teach your dog not to bark.

This dog training system works on the principle that the sensors in the collar can sense vibrations in your dog’s throat and when your dog barks it activates the collar which will then judge the intensity of the barking and issue corresponding warning tones. These dog training systems are not at all dangerous and can in fact prove to be quite effective.

There are other kinds of dog training systems available including those that can help train your dog not to jump on the sofa. One such dog training system, Sofa Scram is pressure sensitive and it will emit a loud noise whenever your dog jumps on the sofa.

Another dog training system, Innotek Zone’s Instant Dog Barrier helps to keep your dog from entering into waste baskets and on chairs or countertops or beds where they do not belong. This particular dog training system is cordless and is shaped like a disc and can be placed where you don’t want your dog to enter. Your dog must be made to wear a collar that will emit sounds and which give him mild forms of stimulation to warn him whenever he gets too close to the disc.

PetSafe training systems can help ensure that your dog is better behaved at all times. If you find that your dog’s antics are taxing your patience and his behavior is a real bother then you need to try out some of the remote training products being offered by PetSafe that is one of the better dog training system companies.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Do You Really Need Dog Training Classes?

It is almost similar to sending your kid to a detention camp. Often this also becomes an issue with owners of dogs that if they are sending their dogs to training classes, then it is due to their failure, which has forced them to take this step. Instead of the owner training his own dog, it is sent to some other dog training class where some unknown person is training your beloved dog. Also it is believed that during the training period, the bond between the owner and the dog grows stronger, and if the dog is at some training class, how is this bond going to develop?

All these apprehensions are valid, but there are some things which are not considered if you are thinking in the similar way as described above. The thing is some dogs might be difficult, similar to some human beings who are difficult. In such a case it is important to guide them, which is out of the hands of an owner. That is why they are sent to dog training classes. In reality, dog training classes are very much beneficial for your dogs as they teach them how to behave in a family setting even in the presence of other animals.

There is nothing wrong in sending your dog to a dog training class, what is wrong is giving your dog training which is not required at all. Most of the dog training schools offer basic levels of obedience training, which is all a normal household needs. Just imagine what will be the use of a command, which asks your dog to refuse food until you permit him to do so? Apart from amusement to others and your ego satisfaction, there is nothing this command can do. It is an entirely different matter if you are planning to enter your dog in some sort of competition. In that case, your dog will require that sort of training.

So next time you go to a dog training class, just have a look at the basic training module. Basic training module in dog training classes covers commands like sit, stop, speak, lie down, or training puppy to fetch, which you will need for controlling your dog. You should not think that the better your dog is trained, the better it is. You just need to pay for the things that you want your dog to follow. Most of these things are taught in a basic dog training class.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dog Training Shock Collar

There are some points in a life of a pet owner that one realizes the need to train the pet. For a dog for example, some may have disruptive behaviors every once in a while. Why is this so? Most authorities on dogs agree on two basics: (1) Almost all dogs have a protective instinct, and (2) this instinct may be enhanced to a high degree of efficiency by expert dog trainers. A dog is born with a certain temperament, but this may change, depending on the way it is raised and trained. With training, a special relationship develops between the owner and the dog. Almost as though having a sixth sense, his canine friend learns to discern what pleases or displeases his master and is quick to respond to his moods.

For example, one trainer commented that a nervous or bad-tempered person could hardly expect to have a calm, even-tempered dog. Owners with prejudice against a certain race or social class may even transmit this to their animal. Finally, whatever the nature of the person, he should not try to inculcate in a dog qualities that he himself does not possess. With its extremely delicate sensibilities, the dog adopts with ease its master’s temperament, reflects perfectly his mental state, just like an antenna that captures radio waves.

There are those, too, who believe that this sudden viciousness may be a carryover from the dog’s supposed ancestor, the wolf. Others feel that it may be due to a change of owner or of environment. Whatever the reason, if you have a dog or are thinking about getting one, you can rest assured that the examples quoted at the outset are the exception. You and your children can still enjoy the pleasure and companionship of a dog.

Through the help of modern technology, the birth of modern procedures of training pet dogs has been introduced to the human society. Tested and tried for so many years, dog training shock collars are noted for their amazing results on the behaviors of the dogs that used the said product. No, you should not fear that it might damage your dog’s health, physical or mental in the long run.

Dog training shock collars are made from safe materials, allowing only the right amount of electric shock needed to get your dog’s attention. Animal rights enthusiasts have also tried and well approved the distribution of dog training shock collars in the market to aide pet owners train their dogs especially if they have some considerable disruptive behaviors that may harm their owners.

It should be noted though that upon purchase of the dog training shock collars, the owners also take responsibility of handling the situation of taking care of their pets in a much serious matter. Yes, with the aide of remote dog training collar, you are sure to make your pet dog, the best one you ever had.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dog Obedience Puppy Training

Once a dog owner gets over the euphoria of bringing home a new puppy, they will need to then understand the importance of providing early and proper dog obedience puppy training to their new acquisition. It is necessary that you get your puppy to learn how to behave around people in the home as well as when they are around others and most importantly when they are in the presence of other animals. The fact of the matter is that puppies, though wonderful creatures, need to be trained which in turn can often be a difficult as well as arduous task. So, after you have brought home a puppy, you should expect that training him will take up a lot of your time and energy.

Dogs, just like humans, have temperaments and their temperament in turn will be affected by the birthplace of the puppy as well as his breed. So, before setting out with dog obedience puppy training you will need to take a little time to understand various dog breeds as well as their characteristics and personalities so that you are able to apply the correct training techniques and methods.

Certain breeds such as Rottweiler, boxers, bull dogs and German Shepherds are well suited as guard dogs and they also are born with in-born abilities to love as well protect humans. On the other hand pointers, gun dogs as well as Labradors are hunting dogs and so are very energetic. You need to consider these traits before beginning your dog obedience puppy training.

Dog obedience puppy training is also a very time consuming activity and so you need to set aside at least a couple of weeks before the training will start showing desired results. You will need to act patiently and put in a fair amount of effort though the good news is that you only need to spend a few minutes on a daily basis rather than spend hours on end.

You need to also begin dog obedience puppy training by starting with the process of teaching simple and basic commands such as ‘sit’, ‘stay’ and ‘heel’ which are easy commands that every puppy can easily pick up very fast. Remember also that only after basic dog obedience training has been successfully completed can you then think about teaching your dog more advanced obedience commands. This initial dog obedience puppy training will help lay the foundation from which the dog can then be taught tricks and other acts such as guarding and protecting their owners.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Trim Your Dog's Nails With Ease

The one thing dogs are most afraid of and bothered by is nail trimming. It can be a daunting task for any dog owner. Here are some tips to make dog nail trimming easier for you and the dog.

A dog’s nails should be trimmed at least once a month as part of a regular pet grooming routine. Before trimming a dog’s nails, it is necessary to have the proper implement. Check your local pet supply store for more information.

To clip the nails, it is important to just cut the very tip of the nail and not go too far down the nail. This can cause bleeding and possible infection.

How do you get a dog to sit still for this procedure? Good question, but there are no easy answers. First you have to be able to get near the dog’s nails. The last thing you want to do is just take the nail and cut it. You have to start slow. Note, however, that it’s easier with puppies than older dogs since puppies seem to adapt better.

Most experts agree that first you have to get the dog used to your touching his paws. You may want to try the old standard, “Give me your paw.” At first you can shake it like a hand shaking another. Do this for some time until the dog gets used to this command and follow it with a treat.

Once you feel the dog has gained your trust, take out the clippers. Let your dog sniff them and look at them for some time. Practice this until the dog doesn’t show any aversion to the clippers.

Finally, the day has arrived. Begin by asking him to give you his paw, take out the clippers and cut one nail. Give him a treat and lots of praise. Check his reaction. If he reacts badly to it; put the clipper away and try again at another time.

Okay, it’s been a few days since the first nail was clipped. Now try again. This time you may find that the dog is little more receptive. Remember, he remembers the treat you gave him the first time around, so he may not give you a bad time.

Begin clipping each nail. Give him a half a dog treat, just like they do at the Westminster Dog shows. If you think you can go further, do it. Don’t hesitate or show that you are a bit nervous. Before you know it, you will have accomplished the impossible.

Reward yourself with a treat; you deserve it. Keep in mind; you are not hurting the dog in any way. In fact you are helping to prevent any pain and problems which can hamper the dog from walking properly.

For those who simply can’t stand the thought of trimming their dog’s nails, you have two choices: you can have the vet do it or you can have the dog groomed. Either way, they are done by professionals who will not harm the dog in any way.

Think of it this way, have you ever tried to type on a keyboard when your nails were too long? Difficult, isn’t it? Well, imagine a dog’s nail getting so long they curl up. Before that happens, start clipping a dogs nails from the outset and all will be well.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Causes of Worms in Dogs

There are a variety of worms that cause illness in your dogs such as: heartworms, hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms, and whipworms. What causes worms in dogs? Let’s take a closer look.

Hookworms are predominately found in dog feces. If your dog eats these feces they can develop this condition. Look for the following signs: loose stool or blood in the stool, the dog seems bloated, gas, has an unusual appetite, and his coat seems to be on the dull side.

Roundworms come from dogs ingesting the egg of the roundworm. In puppies, they may become infected through the mother. Signs that your dog has roundworm may be exhibited as follows: vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, gas, and an unusual appetite.

Heartworms are usually developed from mosquitoes. This condition can result during warm months when dogs are more exposed to these pests. Signs your dog may have heartworm includes: lethargy, coughing, appetite loss, difficult breathing, and may become more tired than usual after exercise. This condition requires immediate treatment from a vet.

Tapeworms are caused by dogs eating fleas. A regular inspection of your dog’s rectum to detect if there are any white rice-like parasites will clearly indicate your dog has tapeworms. Other signs may include: itching in the infected area, inability to digest food,
loss of weight, and stomach pain.

Whipworm is caused by dogs that eat other feces that have been infested with worms or if they happen to step in feces and lick their paw. A dog with this condition will have a bloody stool, unusual appetite, will become bloated, experience cramps, and have a dull coat.

There are other serious conditions which can affect a dog’s health, particularly puppies. While these are not attributed to worms, they should nonetheless be noted. Coccidia are parasites which are caused by digesting feces. Signs of this condition includes: loose stool, vomiting, loss of weight, and bloating. Coccidia infect the intestines of the pup.

Another parasite which can affect pups is called Giardia. Found mostly in areas where water is abundant, the ingestion of these parasites can cause loose stool, loss of weight, and bloating. These parasites feed on the small intestine.

Detection and early prevention can alleviate the symptoms affecting your dog or puppy.
A regular check-up will give a vet the opportunity to check for worms and other conditions by taking stool samples. If you find that your dog’s behavior or habits have changed in any way, make an appointment with your vet to ascertain the problem so that treatment can commence immediately.

Note: Some parasites can affect small children. To prevent this from occurring, ensure that your child does not come into contact with the dog’s feces. After your child plays with the dog, make sure he or she washes his hands thoroughly each and every time.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dog Obedience Training: Get an Early Start

Dogs are known to vary in size as well as shape though they all have a propensity to dig up the earth in order to bury their bones and this characteristic in a dog can cause total ruination of your well laid garden or backyard. In addition, this habit of digging can prove to be bad for the discipline of your dog and so as a concerned dog owner you will need to first of all understand why your dog is digging up the earth and then find a way to solve the issue.

Often dogs will dig up the earth in order to give you a message such as asking for attention or indicating the need to get some more exercise. It could also be that your dog is trying to make a shelter for him or to create space to bury their food. To ensure that your dog does not persist with this and other bad habits you will need to understand what dog obedience training is all about.

When it concerns proper dog training you should keep the old saying “to err is human, to forgive divine” in your mind. Your dog will have a few bad habits that need to be eliminated and so, when you start with dog obedience training you need to ensure that you don’t make some common mistakes that are made by many dog owners.

A very common mistake is that dog owners do not take the trouble to learn about the lineage of their dog which is not good because some dogs happen to be very aggressive while others might be reticent. The thing that decides whether your dog turns out to be aggressive or reticent is their genes and so, before applying dog obedience training techniques you should keep in mind the genetic makeup of your dog.

Dog obedience training can also often turn out to be harder than you expected and the best way to ensure that the training succeeds is to develop a good relationship with your dog. Basically, all dogs are wild by nature and they are also pack animals; each pack has a leader who is the unquestioned authority figure which means that all other dogs will bend in front of the pack leader.

By ensuring that you become the pack leader you can make dog obedience training easier as well as more effective. In addition, you need to reward your dog every time he follows the dog obedience training commands as this will motivate him to obey you.

If you are dog lover then dog obedience puppy training must be a subject that is sure to make you feel very enthused. Bringing home a new puppy often has the same sentimental value as the birth of a newborn baby. It is therefore necessary that you understand the value of starting dog obedience training at as early a stage as is possible in the life of your puppy or dog as it will ensure easier training as well as eliminates the need to rectify bad habits that have been allowed to develop.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

You Need to Spay or Neuter Your Dog

What is the importance of spaying and neutering your dog? According to the Humane Society, approximately three millions dogs or more are euthanized each year. Remanded to shelters because they have been abandoned or because their owners can no longer care for them, the over-population of dogs in animal shelters has reached major proportions.

While the aforementioned statistic is hard to imagine, it is nonetheless true. This is why animal advocates constantly remind the general population to have their dogs spayed or neutered. There are other reasons why this method is recommended.

Dogs have an innate desire to breed. It’s just a fact. More importantly, however, spaying and neutering can prevent cancer. In addition, neutered male dogs will less likely want to run away or engage in rough-housing with other male dogs. Male dogs are inherently territorial. If he isn’t neutered, then he will use his dominance over other dogs particularly when a female is involved.

Spaying and neutering your dog does not mean they will become lazy, gain weight, or have a personality change. All the procedure does is to prevent your dog from seeking out other dogs to mate with. According to the Humane Society, “…. in six short years, one female dog and her offspring can give birth to hundreds of puppies.”

Imagine if you will that there are millions of pet owners. Now imagine if each pet were not spayed or neutered and the offspring were thrown in garbage bags, left by unscrupulous owners to fend for themselves, or bred in puppy mills to make a quick buck. There have been countless incidents which bear out these facts.

Unless you are a breeder, there is no reason not to have your dog spayed or neutered. The result would reduce the number of homeless dogs lying in wait for someone to adopt them, reduce the number of dogs roaming the streets for scraps, and reduce the likelihood that dogs will attack pets.

Owning a dog comes with a responsibility to ensure the pet is happy, safe, and lives in a welcoming and caring environment. Conversely, a dog that is put to sleep due to over-population could have been someone’s life-long companion. This is why adoption is preferred.

Although puppies are the first to be adopted in shelters, it is often the case that adult dogs can only be kept for a certain amount of time due to the over-population of dogs in this country. Thus, they face a grim future.

In an effort to reduce the number of dogs, a spaying and neutering program has begun in some cities and has resulted in a 30%-60% decline in euthanasia.

While this is good news, it is up to all individuals across the nation to not only spay and neuter their pets, but adopt them as well. What other choice do we have?

Monday, April 27, 2009

Get a Good Vet for Your Dog

Just as humans need to have a regular doctor in case of illness, so too a dog needs to have a qualified vet to take care of him in case anything goes wrong. How to find the right veterinarian for your dog requires a bit of research and careful consideration.

There are several ways in which you can find the right vet. First, ask neighbors or friends who are dog owners to give you a recommendation; Second, talk to pet groomers in your area to find out who they use; Third, check online by going to: where you can find a qualified vet in your area.

If you do check online, make a list of the vets in your area and call to make an appointment in order to determine the following:

* Are you greeted in a kind and professional manner by the staff?
* Are the waiting rooms and general surroundings clean?
* Do you find the staff to be qualified and knowledgeable?
* When you called to make the appointment to visit, were they genuinely courteous?
* Do they have parking on location?
* How many technicians and support staff do they have?
* How many vets are assigned to the clinic?
* Does the area where dogs are kept clean and relatively conducive to keeping sick dogs comfortable?
* How much does it cost for their services, i.e., vaccinations, treatment, etc.
* Do they perform emergency services?
* Obtain the names of the vets so that you can check their credentials online or through the American Veterinary Medical Association.
* Do you feel comfortable at this facility?
* Has the vet answered all of your immediate questions?
* Do they have an emergency telephone number; are they on call and what are their hours?
* Ask the vet if you can observe him with a patient so that you can ascertain how he handles and interacts with the dog.

There is another factor that you should know about when dealing with a vet. Oftentimes, and depending upon the vet, they may advise you to buy certain dog food at their premises; whether it’s due to a condition your pet is experiencing, or for some other reason.

It should be noted that the cost is quite high. If the vet indeed tells you to use a particular brand, do not buy it from him but go to your local pet store or a club outlet where you can purchase the food in bulk. Dog food is quite expensive and sometimes vets prescribe a certain food because they are getting a percentage of the sale.

While we, as humans, can change doctors if we do not care for the way they practice medicine, dogs can’t tell us if they are not being treated well. Finding the right veterinarian is not only important for you, but for your dog as well.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Giving Your Pet Organic Dog Food

When it comes to taking care of the health and well being of our pets, many people feel that they must go with natural organic dog food in order to make sure that their dogs are healthy. This does not mean that those dogs that are not raised on organic dog food are unhealthy, but those who are raised on it have less of a chance of getting ill because there is not a lot of artificial ingredients and such.

Even if you have not raised your dog on the organic stuff, you can still make the switch and give them something new and different.

Any change for the better is one that should be welcomed, even if you are not used to giving your dog organic food. You will want to keep in mind though that this type of dog food is probably going to cost a lot more money then you are used to spending each week on meals for your dog.

It is truly worth it in the end though if the health of your pet improves and they are less likely to need expensive visits to the vet’s office. In the long run going with better tasting and high quality dog food is the way to go because it will make a real difference in the life of your dog.

If you are used to shopping in the grocery store or your local department store for your dog food you may find that you will have to start shopping other places. There are some department stores and grocery stores out there that carry organic dog food but there are not many of them simply because the demand from pet owners is not yet that high.

For now you may find it best to head directly to a pet supply shop where you will be likely to find a large variety of organic dog food. Even though it is going to cost you extra money, especially considering where you are going to have to do your shopping, you just have to keep in mind that it's worth it.

If you are on a tight budget then you are going to want to try to find yourself as many discounts or coupons as you possibly can. This will help to make sure that the cost is kept down somewhat for you. Head to the web site for the brand of organic dog food that you prefer as often times there will be coupons there that you can print out. Sign up for their mailing list and you will probably be sent coupons from time to time. Also be sure to look for general store coupons that can be applied to the purchase of the organic dog food.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Guide to Healthy Homemade Dog Food

Recently, many pet foods were recalled from the market because of dangerous ingredients contained in them. There has always been some controversy around ready made pet food. Many people believe that they don't contain sufficient nutrients for a pet's good health. As well, it is believed by many that commercial dog food is unhealthy for dogs as the meat used in those foods is considered unfit for human consumption.

These factors have led a lot of pet owners to look for guidelines for preparing healthy homemade dog food. However, homemade dog food ingredients must be chosen carefully so as to provide a well-balanced diet.

For many years, it was believed that canines were carnivores. However, at one time many dogs fell ill from eating an all meat diet. It is now believed that canines are omnivores. This means that they need both plant-based food and meat in their diet to remain healthy.

It's important to keep in mind that dogs need a source of protein containing ten amino acids. Corn is the main ingredient of most commercial pet foods, but though it is a protein, it has only four of these amino acids.

A healthy homemade dog food must be meat-based, along with good quality proteins such as chicken, beef, egg white and fish, and some carbohydrates such as oats, corn, rice, wheat, soy and barley. It is also important to add some vegetables for energy, minerals, fats and vitamins. Grind up some eggshells, and add them to the dog’s food as well.

Your dog’s diet must consist of 40% meat, 30% vegetables and 30% starch. Such a diet can be easily prepared at home using human quality foods. And the ingredients can be varied so that the dogs get an array of nutrients. Following this formula will ensure that your canine is getting a well balanced diet.

There are a few foods that can cause some serious health problems in your dog, and hence must be avoided. These foods include chocolates, macadamia nuts, avocados, garlic, grapes, mushrooms, onions, and all kind of spicy and greasy foods.

Always cook meat before giving it to your dog. Organ meat such as kidney, liver and eggs are very good for the health of your dog. Refrigerate after preparing and don't keep it for more than three days.

If you have been feeding your dog commercially prepared food, you are advised to check with your vet before switching over to homemade dog food. Most veterinarians agree that healthy homemade dog food is ideal for your pet in the long run.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Vegetarian Dog Food Recipes: Safe for Your Dog?

The idea of a strictly vegetarian diet for dogs and cats is met with a lot of skepticism from pet owners. However, if you follow vegetarian dog food recipes with the nutritional balance necessary, it is possible for your dog to be satisfied and healthy on a vegetarian diet.

Dogs are omnivores like humans. In the wild, they eat a lot of plant-based foods. Sure, they also eat meat in the wild but they generally eat mice, birds, and other small animals. With good, nutritious vegetarian dog food recipes and nutritional supplements, your dog can get all of the nutrients he needs from a vegetarian diet.

Your dog may be very used to eating commercial food so it could be hard for you to wean him. You can start by incorporating vegetarian food into his diet and then taking out the meat-based products little by little.

Use vegetarian dog food recipes that include tomato sauce, olive oil, powdered kelp, and nutritional yeast, which are food items dogs tend to enjoy. Veggie burgers, mashed chickpeas, and melon are also very popular with dogs.

The health of most dogs improves after switching to vegetarian dog food recipes but watch your pet closely regardless. Note any changes in his skin, fur, or gastrointestinal problems. There are times when dogs do not thrive on vegetarian diets so if that is the case, put some meat back into his diet.

You can prepare vegetarian dog food recipes for your dog by yourself or you can buy commercially prepared food. If you choose to prepare food on your own, make sure to read about the nutritional requirements of dogs and follow them carefully when preparing meals.

A dog can get sick if he doesn’t receive enough Vitamin D, protein, or calcium in his diet. Look for a supplement that contains these nutrients as well as essential amino acids to ensure that your dog gets enough of the nutrients he needs.

You can buy a book with vegetarian dog food recipes or come up with your own. Remember to use a variety of different ingredients and use a lot of protein-packed grains and legumes. Chickpeas, quinoa, amaranth, and kidney beans are examples of healthy, protein-packed ingredients you can give to your dog. If you want to use a dry dog food recipe, try mashing together ingredients like beans, corn, and potatoes and then baking small biscuits.

So there you have it. A vegetarian diet may not be right for every dog out there but it is possible to have a healthy vegetarian dog. Remember to study the nutritional needs of your dog carefully and consult a veterinarian for advice. It’s possible for your dog to get all of the nutrients he needs from a carefully planned vegetarian dog food recipe.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Healthy Dog Food Recipes to Make Yourself

Whether you’re looking for a vegetarian dog food recipe or a purely meat-based one, it’s important to understand the fundamentals of a healthy dog food diet. A healthy dog food recipe should consist of mostly protein with the ten amino acids and some carbohydrates. You should also add more vitamins and minerals to the recipe with fruits and vegetables.

You can give your dog most vegetables and fruits but you should avoid onions, avocadoes, and mushrooms because they can cause health problems. You can make a healthy dog food recipe based off of a protein source like eggs, fish, lamb, beef, pork, chicken, pheasant, etc. Add a carbohydrate like oats, barley, wheat germ, or quinoa to the meat.

A healthy dog food recipe should be served at room temperature. Don’t serve your dog food that is hot from the stove or cold from sitting in the refrigerator. Adult dogs only need one meal a day.

It might seem expensive to feed your dog home cooked food. It is certainly time-consuming but it doesn’t have to be expensive. You don’t have to give your dog prime cuts of meat. Chicken parts like veal, liver, and neck for example are very palatable for your dog and cheaper for you.

A healthy dog food recipe can consist of sautéed liver or different animal parts made into a stew with some vegetables and wheat germ added. You can also blend liver and mix it with honey, dried milk, and wheat germ and bake it in the oven to make liver cookies for your dog.

Instead of following a particular healthy dog food recipe, you can also just make a little more of the food you feed yourself and family to give to your dog. Human food with meat, vegetables, and grains is perfect for a dog. It contains the antioxidants that commercial dog food lacks and that your dog needs in order to maintain good health.

Wash all of the produce well that you feed your dog. You can cook the meats or you can feed them to your dog raw. Some pet owners swear up and down that a raw meat diet is the most natural diet for dogs. Make sure to seek variety when preparing food for your dog so your dog gets a wide array of nutrients from his food. Give your dog organic foods when possible and make sure he gets plenty of fresh, filtered water to drink.

Your goal? Take this information as a guide and use it to help you come up with healthy dog food recipes for your dear pet. You can help your dog live a healthier, happier life by giving him home cooked food. Remember to be creative and use a variety of ingredients in your dog’s food so he gets plenty of nutrients.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wellness Dog Food is a Good Choice for a Healthy Dog

Increasingly we are becoming more aware of the dangers of chemical additives in our food. These days, this concern extends to the food our pets are eating. We have come to realize that healthy pets need a diet that is free from chemicals and additives.

This is hard to achieve sometimes when most pet food brands contain preservatives or colorings to increase shelf life and make the food look more attractive. However, Wellness dog food has produced food that is great for all dogs. Countless pets with dog allergies and skin problems have benefited from eating Wellness dog food.

Some dogs that suffer from allergies need to be fed special diets that are protein rich. Both dry and canned dog food products are available from Wellness for dogs suffering from allergies, in particular skin allergies that can arise from wheat or soy found in widely available lower grade dog foods.

The range of allergy sensitive food is known as the Wellness Core. This line of dog food provides dogs that suffer from allergies a balanced nutritional diet. The products are rich in protein and go back to the basics. They provide dogs with the kind of diet that they would eat if they were hunting and fending for themselves.

Many cheaper and lower quality brands contain animal byproducts, meaning the ground up beaks, hoofs, and bones of animals rather than actual meat. You can be assured that Wellness dog food does not contain any kind of animal byproduct. This range also does not contain any corn, soy, or wheat; all major culprits of skin allergies.

If you are concerned about fat content and would like to put your dog on a low fat diet then there is a solution with Wellness dog food. This brand of dog food has formulated a specific product range that is low in fat while still catering to dogs that need a protein rich and grain free diet to combat allergies.

The minerals and fat are highly controlled so that they are in a balanced volume. Some high protein dog foods have excessive amounts of minerals not recommended for everyday consumption. You can be assured that your dog is in good hands when you choose Wellness dog food. It is a brand that has a good reputation with both owners and dogs. Try it now and see the difference in your happier and healthier dog.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Soothing Bug Bites And Stings On Your Dog

If you are like me, you love your dog, as if it was an integral part of your family. And when your beautiful dog suffers pain from bug bites and stings you want to relieve that suffering as quickly as possible. However, you also know that a visit to the vet, to help sooth bug bites and stings, can cost you upwards of a $100 or more by the time you pay for the visit and the medicine. Frankly, you don't have to pay that kind of money to help your dog or any pet that is suffering from bug bites and stings.

The tips you will find below are inexpensive and the chances are you will already have some of the ingredients in your medicine cabinet or in your kitchen. I have used everyone of these over many years too treat my dogs. And the good thing is I'm still using them today to treat my 'best friend' Princess when she has bug bites and stings.

This first tip is one you may have never even considered or even thought about it:

Meat Tenderizer. Yep! You heard right. All you have to do is pour the meat tenderizer into the bowl and then add water. Once it has thickened into a paste simply apply it directly to the sting or bite. There is a good chance your dog will experience almost instant relief. The really cool thing is you can reapply it if needed, without worrying about it maybe harming your pet.

2nd Tip: Chances are this one is going to shock you, but again it works. Try dabbing ammonia directly to the bite or sting with a cotton ball. However make sure not to apply around the nose and eyes of your 'Fido'. Also if your animal has extra sensitive skin it's a good idea not too use it to smooth bug bites and stings.

The 3rd tip I have for you is absolutely one of my favorites, too smooth bug bites and stings and I have to tell you Princess loves it. I apply aloe vera gel, from a aloa vera leaf, when I can get my hands on it. But for a backup I keep a aloa vera gel that I get from my local drug store. Again it's a simple matter of applying the gel directly onto the bite. The results are almost instantaneous. Not only does it work good on my dog, I use it on myself for mosquito bits and the occasional wasp sting.

Now this tip is one that will reduce the swelling and itching right away. However, it may require some patience on your part and on your dogs (any pet) part. If it's a sting, search the area where your dog is biting and scratching. There is a good chance the stinger may still be embedded in the skin of your precious pet. Once you find it and remove it then you can apply some healing gel or even bathe it with a cold cloth.

Speaking of a cold cloth this is going to be my last tip to you. Try putting several pieces of ice into a wash cloth and hold directly on the sting or bite. Just like you, your animal will find it will smooth bug bites and stings.

If your wondering if these tips are safe for your dog when your trying to relieve the pain and itching, check with your local vet. Or you can do a search on the internet and find where they are perfectly safe. These smooth bug bites and stings tips are not the only ones out there. It may pay you to find out about others.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Signs That Your Dog Is Sick

Your dog isn't able to let you know when she's ill. You need to pay attention and notice when she's not acting like usual. This will provide you with a strong warning that there might be something amiss. Read on to learn about the most common ailments that dogs experience, and how you can stop them in their tracks.

Fleas. Fleas don't entrench themselves in a dog’s coat. However, they do thrive on the skin. To steer clear of fleas that are determined to take over your dog, don't take your pet for a walk in areas that are wooded or locations where fleas travel. Typically, fleas will gather in the grass in your own backyard. Therefore, you need to brush your dog each day with a flea comb.

Ticks. These pests are another common cause of sickness for dogs. Ticks often get embedded in a dog's undercoat where they can easily transmit disease. Once they become attached to your pet's body, it can be very painful to remove them. You really need to stay away from areas where your dog can pick up ticks. Don't walk her in tick territory, which includes any parks or forested areas that have dense bushes. In particular, avoid shady spots where ticks like to make their homes.

Ear mites. Another typical health problem among dogs is ear mites. You might notice that your dog is scratching her ears a lot. If so, take a look to see if her ears are leaking. The infection caused by ear mites results in mucus seepage that is brown in color. This is a sure sign that your pet's ear is infected. You'll need to take her to the vet.

Worms. There are all sorts of worms that can lead to health problems in a dog. The most typical invaders are heartworms, tapeworms, hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms. It's particularly essential that your dog be examined for these parasites because they are highly likely to be passed along to your kids.

Allergies. Yes, even dogs suffer from allergies. An insect bite or sting can lead to a severe reaction in allergic dogs. If your dog suddenly starts to swell up in a specific area or experiences diarrhea or vomiting, don't delay in taking her to the veterinarian.

Even though you can steer clear of many of these ailments, oftentimes it's beyond your control. However, you should always use caution in order to keep your dog healthy.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Your Pet Can Benefit From Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a well-known treatment for various human conditions. It’s traditionally known to help people with mind and body ailments, but it’s gaining a reputation for its effectiveness on pets as well.

Pets, like humans, can suffer from many of the same medical conditions. Arthritis, for instance, is a painful condition that can affect a Chihuahua the same way it affects its 65-year old owner.

No one likes to see their pet suffer. It can be heartbreaking because to most pet owners, their four-legged friend is a part of the family. Aromatherapy can be the non-intrusive, affordable remedy you need to help your pet feel better.

While we may not be able to know the exact mindset of our pets, we do know that pets sometimes exhibit anxious feelings when they’re feeling scared, intimidated, or unsure of their surroundings.

These feelings can cause them to lose sleep and be on edge, often snapping at those they love. Some pets will “voice” their frustrations while others will be quiet, but their nervous conditions cause chunks of their fur to fall out. Aromatherapy can have a calming effect on your pet.

Hyper-activeness is another condition some pets may experience. Certain scents used to deliver a calming effect during aromatherapy can help calm your pet down to a certain degree and will work wonders when paired with positive training.

Some pets can benefit from adding aromatherapy to the medical treatments they’re receiving from their veterinarians. It sometimes helps the medical treatments work faster and may calm the animal down enough to have these treatments performed on them without extreme anxiety and fear.

Before starting an aromatherapy program on your pet, educate yourself thoroughly. While traditional aromatherapies are effective and safe for humans, not all are recommended for pets.

Animals can be sensitive to some aromas and the oils should be diluted before using this therapy on them. Consult your vet on which oils can be used and how much they should be diluted.

It’s also important to know that oils are the best form for use in pet aromatherapy. Candles can be easily knocked over by the pet and they may even try to lick the hot liquid from the candle.

Dried potpourri flowers aren’t recommended either, since the pet could try to eat them and they’re not good for their digestion. Oils are the best form, but they should be kept well away from the pet’s reach. Consult your vet before starting any aromatherapy program for your pets.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Common Diseases Among Terriers

Because the group of terrier breeds is so diverse it's difficult to find a single set of diseases common to all. Even calling a condition common is a little misleading, since it means only that it tends to occur more often within that breed. It does not mean that most individuals get that disease.

That said, here are a few things to watch out for when buying a terrier puppy or caring for your dog.

von Willebrand Disease

Also referred to as vWD, von Willebrand's disease is an inherited condition that may lead to excessive bleeding, similar to hemophilia in humans. The absence of a certain protein may cause some dogs to bleed profusely when their quicks are nipped during nail grooming, for example. But it can occur at other times, producing bloody urine, bleeding at the gums and nose, and elsewhere.

Several breeds can have the condition, with pure breds at greater risk than those of mixed parentage. Jack Russells acquire vWD, but less often than others. It's more common in Scottish Terriers and Miniature Schnauzers.

Testing prospective parents can help avoid the production of new puppies with this genetic disorder.

Legg-Perthes Disease

Another condition that has a strong genetic component, Legg-Perthes causes the tip of the femur (the thigh bone) to degenerate. The result is pain and a limping gait. While it occurs in only a small percentage of individuals, it's most common among Yorkshires. The cause is thought to be insufficient circulation around the hip joint more common in these than in other terrier breeds.

When it does occur, it's most likely to be seen within the first 6-8 months of life. Surgical treatment can usually correct the condition, though, by removing the affected portion of the bone. Fibrous tissue then forms, which prevents the wear on the joint. The procedure does, however, leave the dog with a slightly shorter leg so it should be discussed thoroughly with your vet.

Patellar Luxation

Patellar luxation is another genetic defect more often found in Yorkies than other terriers. Their weaker ligaments and tendons supporting the knee joint can cause the cap to slip out of the V-shaped groove in which it naturally lies.

The result is considerable pain and lameness. A similar condition can occur to humans and any who have suffered from it can report that it is very uncomfortable. Here again, surgery can correct the defect, often with excellent results. However, the procedure doesn't strengthen the components that help hold the joint in place. Affected dogs should maintain a less vigorous lifestyle than otherwise.

Heart Disease

Terriers can suffer from various heart ailments, most of them the result of a genetic defect.

While unlikely, cardiomyopathy is one of the more common. This abnormality of the heart muscle can lead to lung edema (fluid into the lung). One of the symptoms is weakness during mild exercise. It occurs in Jack Russells and others. In other diseases, valves may not open and close properly, causing abnormal blood flow. American Staffordshire Terriers are somewhat more prone than others to this defect. Among Bull Terriers aortic stenosis is more common.

Like many other breeds, worms can be responsible for heart problems if proper vaccination schedules haven't been followed. That can affect any breed. A series of heart tests is always wise when any heart malfunction is suspected.

Most terriers, at least until old age when many body systems weaken, will lead healthy lives. They're energetic and have great endurance. Simply be on the lookout for any unusual dampening of those high spirits and seek professional advice when they occur.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Health Care for Your Golden Retriever

Any dog owner will want to take the best possible care of his or her companion. For Golden Retrievers, that can be a challenge. Because of their popularity they've had a long history that has involved a fair amount of inbreeding.

Mating dogs that are too closely related increases the chances that specific genes will be emphasized. This has resulted in a large number of Goldens with various weaknesses. Hip dysplasia and certain kinds of cancers are among the two most common. But each breed has its weak points, and Golden Retrievers are no more liable to health problems than any other breed.

To keep them in good shape is actually pretty easy, just by following some basic guidelines.

From the earliest age possible they should have the best diet you can afford. There are different views about what that is, with many citing the benefits of a fresh meat diet. All dogs are meat eaters. But the right meat protein is more important according to most studies than that the meat be fresh. Fresh meat comes with its own risks, for example, such as contamination and spoilage.

Golden Retrievers in particular have a somewhat higher tendency to sensitivity to the grain products that are found in many commercial dog foods. Wheat and, to a lesser extent, corn can cause itching and some nasal or stomach sensitivity. Signs of skin problems are excessive paw licking and scratching of the face on the carpet or grass. For those with digestive sensitivity, the problem is even easier to spot: feces will be runny. In either case, that's the time to consult your vet about switching food.

A good diet will help them develop bones and joints that are resistant to hip dysplasia, minimize skin problems and produce a healthy looking coat. And, since they're such an active breed, it gives them all the nutrition and calories they need to run and play, which also keeps them mentally active and physically fit. Goldens are very active and a high meat protein, moderate fat diet is essential for energy and building strong muscles.

Regular vet visits for the appropriate shots are also a matter of some controversy, with some arguing that vets tend to over-medicate. Weighing the pros and cons, take into account how much contact your Golden Retriever has with other dogs, since most of the diseases that vaccinations guard against are spread by contact.

Parvo, lepto, distemper and others are the most common for Golden Retrievers to be vaccinated against. Shots should start young and be carried out according to your vet's proposed schedule, usually every six months to a year past the initial shots they receive at 6-8 weeks.

Rabies in Golden Retrievers is a little harder to advise about. It's rare, but the consequences are so severe that most will want to get the shots, provided their pet isn't unusually sensitive and the right vaccine is used. In any case, most states require the shots be given at least every other year for the first few years.

Apart from diet and vaccinations, the best thing you can do for your Golden Retriever is give it a healthy lifestyle. Lots of outdoor activity in a low-risk environment keeps both you and your dog happy and in great shape.